Zander Allport
FPDC Coordinator
(951) 738-7416
Dr. Nancy Quiñones
FPDC Coordinator
(951) 738-7696
Dr. Roger Perez
Professional Development Administrator
(951) 372-7062
Send Email
Claudia Figueroa
FLEX Administrator
(951) 372-7180
Send Email
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held in-person the second Tuesday of each month in room IT-218 from 12:50
pm until 1:50 pm and are open to everyone. Nonvoting members are welcome to join via
Zoom. For Zoom details email Eileen Cechini.
- September 10, 2024
- October 8, 2024
- November 12, 2024
- March 11, 2025
- May 13, 2025
Committee Members
- Zander Allport, Communication, Humanities and Languages (Coordinator, Faculty)
- Dr. Nancy Quiñones, Social and Behavioral Sciences (Coordinator, Faculty)
- Eileen Cechini, Classified Professional Representative
- Dr. Roger Perez, Interim Dean of Instruction (Professional Development Administrator)
- Janet Frewing, Math, Engineering, Computer Science, and Game Development
- Natalie Morford, Communication, Humanities and Languages
- Dr. Sandra Popiden, Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Estrella Romero, Communication, Humanities and Languages
- Jessiah Ruiz, Math, Engineering, Computer Science, and Game Development
- Dr. Jody Tyler, Natural Sciences, Health and Kinesiology
- VACANT, Applied Technologies and Apprenticeships
- VACANT, Business and Management
- VACANT, Natural Sciences, Health and Kinesiology
Supporting Documentation
The flexible calendar program provides time for faculty, staff, and administrators
to participate in activities that promote student learning. You can ONLY receive FLEX credit for activity obtained in the current academic year and can only claim up to 6.00 hours of FLEX each day. No carry
overs. FLEX hours cannot be rolled forward into other academic years or claim for prior
years. Currently, faculty is required to participate in 24.00 hours of FLEX per current
academic year.
FLEX Policy
Getting Credit for FLEX
There are two ways to obtain FLEX credit for full-time faculty:
- Attend a PDC sponsored FLEX workshop and sign in.
- Develop your own FLEX plan and submit appropriate evidence of participation
To Request FLEX Credit, please follow the steps below and any questions to please
email Claudia Figueroa.
NOTE: Faculty DO NOT need to be on the Intranet or campus computer to access this
website if they use the link listed below.
- Go to to login the database. Faculty DO NOT need to be on the Intranet or campus computer
to access this website if they use the above link.
- Please enter FLEX hours in numerical quarters. For example, 15 minutes is entered
as 0.25, 45 minutes is entered as 0.75 and one hour is entered as 1.00 as FLEX hours.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
- Here is FLEX Track documentation on how to use the new system.
- Login with your RCCD username & password.
- Once logged in, you can view your completed activities, activities in progress, and Add
a New Individual Activity. You will want to Add a New Individual Activity.
- Please record all the Individual Activities and upload the evidence you have completed
or plan to complete before June 30. When you enter your Individual Activity in FLEX,
an automatic email will go to your department chair for approval. Upon approval of
your individual activity and receipt of your evidence of completion sent directly
to me, you will be awarded Flex credit.
NOTE: All events and workshop attendance sheets have been entered into the system.
If you attended an event/workshop and do not see it listed in the Completed Activities
tab, please advise Nicole Brown on what the activity was and to whom you sent your
evidence (please list date submitted).
Appropriate Evidence: the college requires evidence that you have completed and/or participated in an
event outside of the PDC sponsored workshops. Any questions, please send your email to Nicole
Brown, Instructional Support Programs Coordinator. Please note that ALL evidence must have the minimum three identifiers: Full name of
attendee, Name of event, and date of event. Otherwise, it doesn't meet state FLEX requirements and cannot be accepted.
Here are some common examples accepted as evidence:
- An email confirming your registration for a conference (These are the best)
- Sign-in sheets
- Minutes from a meeting **(Department meetings are not acceptable as it is part of the faculty contract)
- ID name tags with the conference logo on it (plus date and name of event)
- Programs/agenda schedules that contain your name if you are a speaker or submitted
a paper.
- A copy of a published paper
- For Zoom workshops, a photograph of you in attendance and send a copy of the zoom
meeting invitation.
Associate (Part-Time) Faculty Documents
Associate faculty can claim up to 3.00 hours each compensation for professional development,
course level and/or program level assessment projects and equity-related professional
development per academic year for a total of 9.00 hours. Page 29 in the 21/24 Faculty
agreement handbook. The FLEX administrator doesn't have any access to view the status
of submission. The turn-around time for payment from RCCD is about 60 days.
In an effort to simplify the process for payment of Professional Development Hours
for Associate Faculty as laid out in the contract, RCCD has streamlined the process
through Adobe Sign.
Following is an outline of the major changes:
- The new process will be routed through Adobe Sign. Etrieve will no longer be used
for this purpose.
- Your Instructional Department Specialist (IDS) will initiate and facilitate the process.
- To start the reporting process, an Associate Faculty will contact their assigned IDS
who will initiate the process in Adobe Sign.
- As soon as it’s started, you will receive an email from Adobe Sign for you to fill
in the hours/details and digitally sign.
- Only Department Chairs will approve the PD hours, which will then be routed to Payroll
for payment processing.
If you have any questions, please contact your IDS
Archived Agendas & Minutes
- May 5, 2021
Agenda | Minutes
- April 2021* No Meeting
- March 9, 2021
Agenda | Minutes
- November 10, 2020
Agenda | Minutes
- October 13, 2020
Agenda | Minutes
- September 8, 2020
Agenda | Minutes