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Student Financial Services

The Norco College Student Financial Services Department is dedicated to providing quality customer service and financial aid assistance to all students in need of financial resources to help them achieve their educational goals.

We are here to assist qualified students in obtaining grants, scholarships, and federal work-study funds for educational expenses.

Be prepared by applying for financial assistance early, submitting all required documentation, staying enrolled in classes and meeting our Satisfactory Academic Progress Standard.

student services

Why should you apply?

At Norco College, just like registering for classes, you need to reapply for financial aid every year.

Starting December 1st, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and California Dream Act (CDA) applications are open.

The application process is free, and you can even apply before registering for classes.

To maximize your chances of receiving aid—especially since some funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis—we encourage you to submit your application as early as possible.

Need Assistance?

We offer financial aid workshops and FAFSA/Dream Act application help throughout the year.

In-Person Workshops:

SFS Workshop Dates

March 10, 18, 27 & April 2: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM | Center for Student Success, Upper Lounge

Upcoming VIRTUAL workshop dates from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM:

March 7, 2025

March 14, 2025

March 21, 2025 cancelled

March 28, 2025

Join us virtually: Registration WILL OPEN SOON, PLEASE CHECK BACK FOR UPDATES.

Don’t hesitate to apply, even if you think you may not qualify!

Types of Financial Aid Available

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act (CDA) Application are required for most forms of financial aid. Types of financial aid include grants, scholarships, tuition waivers, and student loans.

Federal Grants

By completing a FAFSA application automatically considers applications for Federal Grants.

Federal Pell Grant 

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

State of CA Grants

By completing a FAFSA application or CDA application the California Student Aid Commission automatically considers applications for CA Grants and Federal Grants.

California College Promise

Cal Grant Program 

Student Success Completion Grant 

Chafee Grant Program for eligible foster youth and former foster youth 

California National Guard Education Assistance Award Program (CNG EAAP)

How to Apply for Scholarships

You will need to complete separate applications to be considered for a scholarship.

Scholarships are a great way to help you pay for your college education  offered from diverse organizations for a wide array of interests. Sports, music, faith, business, hobbies, technology, etc.

There are many options for how you can connect with additional funding. 

Learn more about Scholarships

How to Apply for a Loan

Norco College title IV code #041761

Please note that loans are not automatically awarded to students.  If you are interested in a loan, you must request one. 

Please read and follow the steps below in order to request a loan:

  • You must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid online at and list Norco College title IV code #041761. 
  • You must complete any tasks assigned to you on (Check list provided below)
  • You must have received your final revised award notice for any grants, Federal Work Study (FWS) or scholarships before applying for a loan. 
  • You must be meeting the Norco College Student Financial Services Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standard. Please refer to the table of contents to review the Student Financial Services SAP standard. 
  • You must have a current full program Student Educational Plan (SEP)
  • You must be enrolled in at least 6 units on the SEP that are applicable and required towards your degree. 
  • You must have a declared academic program (major) on file with Admissions and Records which matches your SEP. 
  • You must successfully complete with a score of 100%, the Direct Loan entrance interview at 
  • You must successfully complete your electronic Master Promissory Note (eMPN) online at prior to applying for a student loan at Norco College. 
  • If you meet the above requirements, you may request a loan packet from the Student Financial Services office throughout the fall and spring semesters.         

 To request a loan please visit us in person during our business hours.

***Computers are available for your use to complete the entrance interview at the Student Financial Services Lobby in the Student Services Building, 1 floor.

How to Apply

By completing a FAFSA application or CDA application the California Student Aid Commission automatically considers applications for CA Grants and Federal Grants. Scholarships will need a separate application.

 Apply Now for FAFSA Apply Now for the CA Dream Act Apply Now for Scholarships


Norco's school code: 041761

Create A FAFSA Account

Here are some steps that you can take in order to get closer to completing your FAFSA Application:

  • Create a FSA ID (Create Account | Federal Student Aid)
  • Have your personal information at the ready! (DOB, SSC, Phone Number, etc.)
  • Use Norco's school code: 041761
  • Create an easy to remember username and password.
  • Use an email address that you have access to, as you'll be getting important emails regarding your FAFSA application once you're able to complete it.

Once these steps have been completed, you have set up an account on the FAFSA website and are ready to complete your 2024-2025 FAFSA Application!

Begin FAFSA Application

(US Citizens/Eligible Non-Citizens)

FAFSA Application | Federal Student Aid 

Norco College's School Code: 041761

  • After clicking on the link you will follow the prompts on the FAFSA government website. 
  • You will need your Social security #, Current tax forms from current year for yourself and guardians.
  • Once the application is complete you may have financial aid tasks assigned to you, to view your Financial Aid Tasks.
    • To review Financial Aid Tasks you will follow the directions in the section below under the heading Ensure your Financial Aid will be processed.

California (CA) Dream Act: This California law allows undocumented students who meet the AB540 eligibility to access state financial aid and institutional aid, such as Cal Grants and California Dream Loans.


CA Dream Act Facts

  1. Use this online tool to see if you qualify under AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68.
  2. The CA Dream Act application is due every year on March 2.
  3. The CA Dream Act is unrelated to DACA. Students do not need to have to have DACA to qualify for the CA Dream Act.
  4. The CA Dream Act is not the same as the Federal Dream Act. The Federal Dream Act is a proposed legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers. The Federal Dream Act has not been passed in Congress.

AB 540 was passed by the California State Government in 2001. It allows undocumented students who have met specific criteria to pay in-state tuition at California public universities or colleges, instead of paying out-of-state tuition. Some bylaws of the original bill have been amended to allow a larger number of undocumented students access to financial aid.

Are you Eligible for the Dream Act?

  • The student has attended an accredited California High School for an equivalent of at least three years.
  • The student has graduated or will graduate from a California school with a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Applicants must not hold a valid non-immigrant visa (F, J, H, L, A, B, C, D, E, etc.)*.

If you do not meet AB 540 criteria, use this tool to determine your eligibility under amendments to the original bill (AB 2000 and SB68). 

If you have not been determined as being AB540 eligible, you will receive a notification to update your residency status with Admissions and Records.

If you meet AB 540 criteria, you will need to submit the AB 540 Nonresident Supplemental Tuition Exemption along with official transcripts to the university you will be attending.

If you are still not sure, use this tool to determine your eligibility for AB 540. If you need assistance in checking your eligibility, please email us at or contact the Financial Student Services department directly.

Begin CA Dream Act Application

Norco College's School Code: 04176100

To apply for the California Dream Application, click here CA Dream Act Application and use Norco College's School Code: 04176100.

Norco College Financial Services Complete the CA Dream Act Application flyer


Ensure your Financial Aid will be Processed

In order for the Student Financial Services office to further evaluate your financial aid applications, you may need to complete additional Financial Aid Tasks. 

To log in and view your tasks, please follow the directions below:

1.  Log onto using your RCCD student email and password

Verify your information (First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number) and create your account

  • Be sure to make your RCCD student email your preferred email

Complete the “Financial Aid Tasks" listed on the Welcome Screen

  • When prompted, E-Sign documents by creating a 5-digit E-Sign pin
  • When uploading required documents:
  • Be sure documents/images are clear
  • Add all pages of required documents
  • Click “Submit" when documents are successfully uploaded

Dependent Students requiring Parent Signature (Skip if Independent Student)

  • Have parent email address available
  • Parent will receive email with links to Verify Email Address and to Log In
  • Be sure that Parent verifies email within 24-hours of receiving email
  • Create Username and Password
  • Verify parent information (First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number)
  • Confirm Student information (First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number)
  • Parent will review tasks for the correct academic year
  • E-Sign required documents using the password created

Click “Submit" on all required tasks on the student Welcome Screen

  • Once all tasks have been submitted, Click the “Finish" button 

enjoying aid

Are You Ready for Disbursement?

All financial aid tasks must be submitted via, prior to the deadline dates specified on the appropriate Disbursement Schedule.

**Unit adjustments for classes not paid for on the 1 Fall and Spring disbursement dates, due to late registration and late start classes, will be disbursed on the 2 Fall and Spring disbursement dates.


Norco College has partnered with BankMobile to deliver your financial aid disbursements.  For more information about BankMobile, visit this link: (subject to fees).
To view our institution's contract with BankMobile, a Division of Customers Bank, click HERE.
Bank Account

Link your personal bank account for direct deposit, 

Paper Check

Make sure your address is current to receive disbursement on time.

Student Financial Services Team

Tony Puccio
(951) 372-7137
Send Email

Brittany Emis
SFS Analyst
(951) 372-7057
Send Email

Michelle Rodriguez
Assistant Director
(951) 738-7795
Send Email

Brianna Mason
Customer Service Clerk
(951) 738-7206
Send Email

Jennifer Valencia
Administrative Assistant 
(951) 372-7065
Send Email

Judith Ocegueda
SFS Outreach Specialist
(951) 372-7183
Send Email

Hours and Location of Operation 

The Student Financial Services office provides application assistance up to one hour before closing.

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM*

*Open until 4:00 PM: 01/10/2025, 02/21/2025, 02/28/2025

Sat & Sun: Closed


College-Wide Closures:

March 31, 2025

May 26, 2025

June 19, 2025

Student Services Bldg, First Floor | Phone: (951) 372-7009 |
