The CARE Network
The CARE (Coordination, Assessment, Response, and Education) Network exists to assist
with any situation that could potentially disrupt a student's academic or social wellbeing
within the campus community. We hope to intervene early, when possible, to help support
the student.
The CARE Network is a cross -divisional, multi-disciplinary team with a centralized
focus on addressing situations and behaviors that have the potential to impede student
success and/or threaten the safety and security of the campus and learning environment.
This Network consists of administrators, faculty, staff, and health clinicians who
serve the best interest of the student(s). This group of content experts reviews individual
cases and coordinates an appropriate action plan for response. The CARE Network meets
bi-monthly to review referrals in order to support the academic, emotional, and overall
well-being of students and the campus community. In addition, the CARE Network is
a resource for the campus community whereby the members help educate others in assessing
the needs of students with whom they come in contact with throughout their day to
day interactions.
You may be the first to notice behavior or may hold the last clue to preventing a
catastrophe. Whether the student has an outburst, going through personal challenges,
or is acting out of character, The CARE Network wants to know about it.
If you feel there is a student in mental health crisis, who may lack basic needs (housing,
food, etc.), or who has been a disruptive presence in your class or on campus, please
submit a brief report to the following link: Just Report It!
For further information on the CARE Network procedures, please contact the Office
of Student Life at (951) 372-7021, or the Dean of Student Life directly.
Dr. Mark HartleyDean, Student Life
(951) 738-7758
Send Email
Dr. Greg Ferrer
Director, Disability Resource Center
(951) 738-7785
Send Email
Committee Members
- Nicole Capps - Assistant Professor, English, Communications
- Christopher Castillo - Student Resource Specialist, Student Services
- Christiany Chan - Mobile Crisis Response Team
- Cathleen Chou - Director, Student Health, Student Health and Psychological Services
- Greg Ferrer - Director, Disability Resource Center
- Maria Gonzalez - Director, Student Financial Services
- Mark Hartley - Dean, Student Life, Student Services
- Amy Kramer - Asst. Prof, Counseling (EOPS), Social & Behavioral Sciences
- Leticia Martinez - Student Financial Services Analyst, Student Financial Services
- David Purser - Police Officer, RCCD Police
- Cecilia Ramirez - Administrative Assistant III, Admissions and Records
- Marianne Stefanous - Administrative Assistant III, Student Services
- Sheree Summers - Mental Health Services Supervisor, Health Services
- Kaneesha Tarrant - Vice President, Student Services
- Kimberly Thomas - Basic Needs and Wellness Supervisor, Basic Needs and Wellness
- Leona Vassale - Disability Specialist, Disability Resource Center
- Steve Vaipulu - Officer, Safety & Police
Supporting Documents
- CARE Network Reporting Form
- Student Resource Request Form
- Standards of Student Conduct
- Student Discipline Procedures
- What to Report/When to Report
- Academic Dishonesty
- Student Grievance Process for Instruction & Grade Related Matters
Student Grievance Process for Matters Other than Instruction, Grades & Discipline