Norco College Student HotSpot Loan Program

Laptop Loan Program


Students: Do you need internet for your Spring classes?  Click on one or both of the links below.

If you are interested in requesting a WiFi hotspot, please click on the link below:

Hotspot Request Form

If you are interested in also requesting a laptop, please click on the link below:

Laptop Request Form

Students requesting a laptop and/or hotspot will be able to borrow a laptop/hotspot for the Spring 2021 academic term, provided that they are enrolled at Norco College/Riverside Community College District for each term. If a student completely withdraws or transfers, they must return the laptop and/or hotspot within 30 days. Students must return the item with all parts. The student is responsible for paying the replacement cost for the part (see table below). 

Item Type
Replacement Cost
Hotspot Charger
varies ($500 - $1700)
Laptop Adapter

By completing and submitting the form, you understand that you are requesting to borrow a laptop and/or hotspot and agree to the terms stated above. Once the form is completed and approved, you will receive an email confirmation with your date and time for pick up.  DO NOT visit the campus until you receive your email confirmation.

Supplies are available on a first come, first served basis (hotspots are very limited).  NOTE:  Fulfillment of hotspot requests may require extended time due to availability requirements.  If you miss 2 pick-up appointments, you will be removed from the list and will need to submit a request form again.

ALL Library books and textbooks borrowed from the library should also be returned at this time. For your convenience, library books can be returned ANYTIME in the blue library bookdrop located in Mustang Circle. Please do not return electronic items in the bookdrop.

Students needing to renew borrowed laptops and/or hotspots for Spring 2021 semester, should e-mail Miguel Castro at to request a renewal (Student MUST be registered for Spring 2021 classes).

The following comments are from students requesting laptop / hotspots:

“It has become more and more challenging to complete my classes. I only have an iPad and that is why I use to complete my courses, unfortunately some of my professors use programs that are not supported on an iPad. For that reason, I have had to drop some classes in the past. If I were to obtain a laptop, I would be able to complete the courses I couldn’t in the past and I believe it will make completing my homework much easier.” 

“Due to my current living conditions. the hotspot will help me connect to the internet, so I am able to complete my work, communicate with students and teachers, and just help me successful as a student.”
“Most of the times, my class times are during my work time so I can’t come home to use wifi, and also my cellular is so bad at work, so a hotspot may help me in this problem.”

“I currently travel to locations with free wifi and sit in my car to do my schoolwork, it would be easier if I was able to access wifi at my convenience because due to the pandemic, it's hard moving around.”

“Having a hotspot will make it easier to do my assignments. It would also make online classes less stressful having reassurance that I can get my assignments submitted on time.”
“At the moment I find my economic situation in a position where I can’t get my own internet source to assist my classes and to complete my work.” 

“I can’t afford my own personal WiFi and this hotspot will benefit not only me but other students in my house that are working online.” 

“Currently I am doing therapy and class work/ zoom meetings online. My internet at home is very slow or cuts out frequently making it difficult to get mental care as well as schoolwork done efficiently. There is little room in my home to study so a hotspot would enable me to find a quiet space away from home to concentrate on my studies and have a stable connection online.” 

“We have one laptop to share among us three. Most textbooks are online now so additional time is needed on the computer. This laptop will be essential to college success.” 

“I am currently homeless, so I try to do my work in my car at my lunch break.” 

“I am currently living in a hotel room, the Dean along with my counselors from both, EOPS and DRC have been supportive through my process, yet where I am currently living their internet is not the best. My counselor recommended that I would request a Hot spot for the semester as I believe it will be beneficial for my course.” 

“I currently have 5 siblings and we only have one computer for all of us are in school and I couldn’t take the number of classes I wanted because I didn’t have a computer to do all my work on. I would be very great full if I got a laptop to borrow.”

“I have no computer to use so getting support access to a computer will help me out greatly.” 

“I’m living alone and I’m struggling to be able to buy a laptop or computer so this would be a huge support in being able to do the work assigned.” 
“I don’t have a laptop. I came to the United States last year and am attending college to learn English and chose a career. I’ve been using my phone or borrowing laptop.”

“During this time of COVID-19 I was put in a difficult situation where I need to work more hours in order to help my family continue to keep up with bills. I had to shut off Internet access because it was becoming very expensive during this difficult time. This hotspot would keep me on track with all my assignments and never falling behind.” 

“The support of a laptop loan will help me complete my assignments. The current technology I own cannot support my academic needs.” 

“This will really support me mentally and financially.”

“I live in a 7 people household, 3 (including myself) are going to school and we all share one laptop. This will support my need to have assignments done on time instead of waiting to take turns to use the laptop.” 

“A laptop and hotspot will definitely help me with my classes as I will be a full-time student this semester and it will let me focus on my schoolwork even better.”