The Wilfred J. Airey Library Team continues to help students stay in school and succeed by offering the Laptop and Wi-Fi hotspot loan program.

Since spring, 621 laptops and hotspots were loaned to Norco College students.

In the comments below, you will learn from a couple of students about how this program has benefitted them.

"I am a single mother on one income. I am unable at this time to pay full price for a laptop to use for school. This assistance will help me greatly in accomplishing my educational goal of becoming a nurse."

"I had a laptop at the beginning of the semester but right now I no longer have access to a working laptop. Without a computer, I cannot access my classes or do any of the required work. Borrowing a laptop will allow me to successfully finish the semester."

"I am a disabled student currently enrolled in Norco College and I do not have access to another computer where I live. This computer will help me complete my assignments for my classes as they are all online."

"I have absolutely no way of doing assignments without being able to borrow a laptop. I did poorly in the summer due to me doing my assignments through my cell phone, and not being able to see the correct pop ups. Thank you."

"I am a single mom with 2 children. I am out of work since COVID19 19. I want to attend college online but I have not been able to afford a computer or laptop. This program would help me so that I can finally start school and get build my career skills to help support my family."

"I'm currently unemployed. I do not have a car. I am trying to find work before I start school, so I can manage to buy a computer in time. The only way I will be able to go through with school is if I am able to get a computer. If not, I will have to drop. I have put off going back to school for 10 years and right now I am at the farthest step to go back. Unfortunately, this pandemic made school online only. I was really looking forward to being back in a classroom. Therefore, a loaned computer would really help me stay on this path, to turn my life around. It would take away the stress of having to buy a computer in time for classes."