Chemistry Diagnostic Test
The Chemistry Diagnostic Exam is completed on-campus. It is for students who have already taken chemistry courses and would like to validate Chemistry 2A to enroll directly into Chemistry 1A. To take the Chemistry Diagnostic Test, students will need to meet with a counselor (online or in-person) and provide official or unofficial transcripts with one of the following: |
Steps to be eligible for the test:
- Meet with a counselor to submit supporting documentation (see above).
- If eligible, the counselor will submit the Approval Form (see below).
- The student will complete the Request for an appointment Form (see below) to take the test.
- After eligibility has been verified, the student will be contacted to confirm the appointment.

Student Appointment Request Form
- Set 1 1/2 hour for the entire process
- Paper & Pencil
- 45-minute time limit
- 44 questions
- You will be provided with a calculator, Periodic Table of Elements, and a table of symbols and abbreviations.
- (The test covers: Compounds and elements; states of matter; reactions of matter; structure of matter; periodic properties; solutions; qualitative kinetics and thermodynamics; lab skills, and mathematical skills.)
This exam is a one-time test and there is no re-test.
Note – MAT-35 is a pre-requisite for enrollment into Chemistry 1A
Once the test is completed, you will receive your results. These results will appear on your record within 1 to 2 business days.