Fall Semester at Norco College offers our students great opportunities to earn a certificate in Architectural Graphics or Engineering Graphics (9 units) 100 percent online.

Architectural Graphics: Construction documents for light frame structures, construction theory, materials, and drawing of floor, plot, and foundation plans. View Architectual Overview

Engineering Graphics: Mechanical Drafting fundamentals briefly reviewed, geometric construction, free-hand sketching, sectioning, shop processes, working and pictorial drawings. View Engineering Overview

Farshid Mirzaei



Students learn real world skills because anything you design or build needs to be documented through drafting techniques, using manual and computer-based tools. The students can then take these skills to work on engineering and design projects in Architecture, Civil, Landscape, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering fields or even creative design in Art."- Farshid Mirzaei, faculty



Ashlee Johnson



"In our programs, we make sure our students are taught the latest industry standards and practices to prepare them for great entry-level positions throughout the state of California." - Ashlee Johnson, faculty