Norco College Presidential Search

On behalf of the District and Norco College, I'm pleased to announce that the search has commenced to identify next President of Norco College. The appointment of Norco's next president will shape the College's future for years to come and the District is fully committed to conducting an equitable, fair, inclusive, and transparent national search. 


We have selected the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) to assist us with the Presidential search process. ACCT's assistance will include providing support recruiting highly competitive candidates, working with the Search Committee and supporting the College community and District. ACCT has conducted over 500 community college searches and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our process.  ACCT's mission is to strengthen community college governance through education, advocacy. Dr. Jose Leyba will serve as our ACCT Search Consultant.

About the Process

The Presidential Search Committee will review the confidential applications, interview confidential semifinalist candidates and identify final candidates to forward to the Chancellor for further consideration.  The appointment of the Committee has been finalized and the Committee's composition will be posted on the presidential search webpage.


The Chancellor and Board of Trustees will interview the final candidates and all final candidates will participate in open forums at Norco College. We anticipate the final candidates visiting the College in December 2019, and we will provide the dates, times and location once they are confirmed. Everyone throughout the College and community will be invited to attend the public forums with the final candidates. Feedback forms will be given to all attendees, and the completed forms will be collected at the end of each forum and given to the Chancellor for review. 


Our recruitment efforts will involve an open, comprehensive, national search, seeking qualified candidates from all regions of the state and country.  ACCT specializes in one-to-one recruitment of community college leaders.  Additionally, to assist with this process, advertisements will be placed in the Chronicle of Higher Education and other major publications and websites.


The Presidential Search Webpage

The presidential search webpage, where you can find the Presidential Profile and other pertinent information regarding the search process is now online and can be found at . Norco's website will include information on all aspects of the search, both for the College community and candidates. 

We will continue to keep you updated on this important process. If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to our ACCT Search Consultant:

Jose Leyba, Ed.D., ACCT Search Consultant,, (480) 620-2480 (mobile)

Norco College, RCCD, CA - Presidential Search Timeline*

September 2019  -  Chancellor announces search for president of Norco College and appoints the Screening Committee; ACCT Search consultant facilitates open public forums and electronic survey distributed to solicit feedback to help inform the development of the Draft Presidential Profile; Screening Committee Meeting #1. ACCT Search Consultant meets with Screening Committee for orientation/training and review of confidentiality, discuss the draft Presidential Profile, timeline, and application review process. The Screening Committee reviews and provides feedback on the Draft Profile, which is finalized by the Chancellor.

Early October 2019  -  Presidential Profile posted at Targeted local, state-wide, and national one-to-one recruitment commences; national advertising placed. 

December 6, 2019  -  Target Date for Receipt of Applications (open until filled)

Mid-January 2020  -  Screening Committee Meeting #2. Screening Committee conduct initial review of applications; committee deliberates and selects semifinalists for first-round confidential interviews.

Late-January 2020  -  Screening Committee Meeting #3. Screening Committee interviews confidential semifinalists. Search Committee deliberates and recommends candidates in unranked alphabetical order to the Chancellor.

Week of Feb. 24, 2020  -  Finalists visit the College and participate in public forums; campus tours, meeting with direct reports, interview with the Chancellor; Board of Trustees tentatively meets with finalists.

Mid-March 2020  -  Chancellor announces the next President of Norco College.

Start Date  -  TBD 

*Timeline is subject to change