• Norco headcount (16,593) has exceeded the target for 2024-25 (16,581)
  • Equity gap closed for Black Students in Certificate Completion and Transfer Math & English completion in first year
  • Completion of transfer Math & English for Latinx students have already met 2024-25 target (closed equity gap 40 percent )
  • For LGBTQ+ students - Certificate Completion has met 2024-25 target and transfer volume gap is completely closed
  • Certificate completion equity gap is closed for Foster Youth


Additionally, the Institutional Research team presented data that highlights incoming Class of Fall 2016 compared to incoming Class of Fall 2010.

  • Completion of an award (degree or certificate) within four years has increased from 9.8 percent (fall 2010 cohort) to 13.8 percent (fall 2016 cohort).  This is a 40.8 percent increase in completion.
  • If we expand the Completion definition to an award and/or transferring to a four-year institution within four years, completion has increased from 14.6 to 17.9 percent (22.6 percent increase in completion)
All Students Fall 2010 Fall 2016
4-year Award Rate 9.8% 13.8%
4-year Award or Transfer Rate 14.6% 17.9%


  • We are seeing large gains in completion for Black students.
Black Students Fall 2010 Fall 2016
4-year Award Rate 5.1% 13.8%
4-year Award or Transfer Rate 8.2% 18.8%