
Gustavo N. Gonzalez, a proud Norco College alumnus, has risen to prominence as the Community Development Director for the City of Eastvale. His journey from a student at Norco College to a respected urban planning leader serves as an inspiring tale of determination, perseverance, and the power of education.

Gonzalez's path to success began when he enrolled at Norco College in 1997. Coming from humble beginnings and facing uncertainty about his future, Gonzalez's encounter with a fraternity member during a social gathering at San Diego State University ignited his pursuit of education. The following week, he took the decisive step of enrolling at Norco College.

He transferred to the University of California, Riverside (UCR), earning a Bachelor of Science in Sociology/Administrative Studies in 2002. He then pursued a Master of City Planning from UC Berkeley, an experience that played a pivotal role in shaping his professional aspirations.

Gonzalez's journey was marked by hard work, focus, and meaningful experiences. As an undergraduate research assistant, he learned the value of networking and relationship-building. He highlighted the importance of grit and adaptability, stating, "It doesn't matter how you start, only how you finish."

His advice for current students emphasizes following one's passions and developing resilience. "Don't pick a specific career based on a title or position. Instead, develop broad goals and let them lead you," he advised. He shared his belief that passion drives individuals to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams, even in the face of less enjoyable aspects of their chosen careers.

Gonzalez held various positions in urban planning, each contributing to his growth and leadership development. His dedication and expertise led him to return to his hometown, Eastvale, as the Community Development Director, a role he considers the pinnacle of his urban planning career.

At Norco College, Gonzalez honed his critical thinking and writing skills under the guidance of his English professor, Aaron Fick. The strong foundation he built during this time has been instrumental in his ability to communicate effectively as a leader in urban planning.

Gonzalez's story also holds a heartwarming personal connection. He met his wife, Monica, during an Intro to Statistics class at Norco College. Their journey from classmates to life partners exemplifies the profound impact of education on their shared values and successes. With two children, Anthony and Sophia, education remains a cornerstone of their family values.

Gustavo N. Gonzalez's journey from Norco College to the Community Development Director of Eastvale stands as a bold example of the power of determination, education, and following one's passion. As an alumnus, he is eager to share his story and inspire the next generation of students at Norco College, emphasizing the importance of embracing challenges and pursuing dreams with unwavering “grit.”