Would you like to live in Spain for one full school year as language assistant? If yes, consider applying to the North American Language and Culture Assistant Program in Spain (NALCAP)

North American Language and Culture Assistants Program (NALCAP) is an educational outreach initiative of the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Spain.

As a language assistant, award recipients fulfill the role of a cultural ambassador through the promotion of English language learning and mutual understanding via cultural exchange. As such, their role is to encourage students of all ages in Spain to broaden their knowledge of the language and culture of the United States of America.

Madrid Spain on Gran Via
NALCAP: North American Language and Culture Assistant Program in Spain
Application period: late January / early February 2023

Basic criteria for applications:

  • Native-like speaker of English
  • US Citizenship
  • Sophomore, junior or senior in college or college grad

Assignment and Awards:

  • Positions are offered in schools all across Spain, running from October 1 to May 31 for most assignments.
  • Monthly stipend of about 700-1000 euro to help cover living expenses
  • Medical insurance during the assignment periods
  • Hours of assistantship range from 12 – 16 hours per week.
  • Possibilities for professional and personal growth.
The application period will be open from late January/February until April. No fees apply. For the exact dates when available and general information about the program, please visit our website.