Hard work pays off — and for students in the Administration of Justice program at Norco College, this especially rings true.

Norco College’s partnership with the Corona Police Department is giving students the chance to earn cash while they learn the skills. Law enforcement and other internship positions offer students essential on-the-job experience, a chance to make connections, and get their foot in the door for a high-powered career — all while possibly earning a paycheck.

“We’re just being very, very proactive here with our students at Norco College,” explains Dr. Sigrid Williams, who spearheaded Norco College’s Administration of Justice program’s revamped guided pathways. “We’re giving them the skill sets to get that livable wage.”

Dr. Williams established the Administration of Justice program’s guided pathways when she joined Norco College in 2017. These pathways outline three different degree programs, including a degree for transfer, an associate of science, and a crime scene investigation certificate. Each pathway focuses on six major areas, including courts, corrections, juvenile justice, criminalistics, crime analysis, and law school.

Dr. Williams says the opportunity with the Corona Police Department focuses on getting students involved in the field, whether they enter the program as paid interns, externs, or even just volunteers.

“Last year we flew [this internship] for the first time,” explains Dr. Williams. “We had six applicants, four that went through the process, three that actually went to the interviews …. two were forwarded to backgrounds for a paid part-time position.”

The partnership between Norco College and the Corona Police Department is a natural fit. The department is just short of four miles down the road from the college’s campus, plus professional connections through Dr. Williams made the collaboration seamless.

Click here to read more of the article and the interview with Norco College Professor Dr. Sigrid Williams.