We have reached a new phase in the COVID-19 pandemic here in Southern California. On December 3, 2020, the Governor announced regional stay at home orders would take effect if/when the ICU availability dips below 15%. We have now passed that threshold and the stay at home order for our region started at 11:59 p.m. on December 6, 2020. This order will be in place for a minimum of 3 weeks, and will continue until our region's ICU availability meets or exceeds 15%.

Our college employees are continuing to work remotely, and in some cases on campus for critical infrastructure sectors where remote working is not possible. The state's Higher Education guidelines and tier status guidelines remain the same during this stay at home order. Under the widespread (or purple tier) guidelines, indoor lectures and student gatherings are not permitted. The exception to this rule is labs and studio arts, which may continue operations while following the COVID-19 safety procedures outlined by the state and county centers for disease control.

Deans and faculty will communicate with students in Canvas and via email with instructions regarding current courses. Classes will continue online and in labs and studios following the safety protocols and standards outlined in RCCD's COVID-19 Prevention Plan. Students, faculty and staff who are allowed on campus will continue to use the COVID-19 Symptom Checker before entering any college buildings or facilities. People who are sick or who have symptoms of the Corona Virus are to stay at home and seek proper medical attention. People who have tested positive for COVID-19 are not allowed on campus until cleared by human resources and risk management. Masks are required at all times while on campus and in District or college facilities, and frequent hand washing, sanitizing of workspaces, and social distancing will continue.

We have resources available to help us get through this pandemic. Our COVID-19 web page provides links to many of these resources, and contacts for more direct information. The Corona Virus has not changed our commitment to student success and equity. We care about our students, faculty and staff.

All of us have been affected by COVID-19 and many have suffered and continue to suffer because of this virus. I encourage everyone to be thoughtful, careful and kind as we finish this year and look forward to the next.



Wolde-Ab Isaac, Ph.D.
Riverside Community College District