Campus involvement is a great way to build a sense of belonging, reduce loneliness, and develop interpersonal skills in our students; all of which contribute to retention and success. Please encourage your students to participate in clubs: 

Club Rush
September 7 & 8 | 12pm – 2pm on the Palm Pathway
There will be free food, get involved!
Hosted by the Inter Club Council and Associated Students of Norco College 

These clubs will be present: Active Minds, American Medical Students, Art Club, Christian Community, E-Sports Association, Honors Community, Kinesiology Student Association, Men of Color Brotherhood, Music Industries Studies, Norco Choir, Norco Karate Organization, Norco College Student Veterans of America, PRISM, PUENTE, Phoenix Scholars, Rocketry, STEM, Umoja, Umoja Filamu – Film Club.