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Concurrent Enrollment

You are considered a Concurrent Enrollment student if you are taking a regular college class on campus (not at your High School). Eligibility and approval process  is a little bit different. Student is also responsible for some fees, including their own textbooks/materials. 
Summer & Fall 2024

Important Application Deadlines

Summer 2024

Fall 2024

June 7

August 9 

Application Steps for Concurrent Enrollment 

Complete a Norco College Online 2024 Summer or Fall Application - Print out or screenshot your application confirmation page (you will need this later).

Parent/Guardian Signature & Student Signature Required (Electronic/Typed Signatures Accepted)

Take School/Parent Approval for to High School Administrator for school approval.

  • See Assessment page for details on the English and math placement procedure.

Submit completed packet that includes: Parent/School approval form and application confirmation page to


Acceptance letters will be sent via Norco College Student Email 


Learn more about Concurrent Enrollment 

Minor high school students who are capable of benefiting from advanced scholastic or vocational work, are classified as highly gifted and/or talented, or are seeking educational opportunities not otherwise available to them, may be eligible for admission to Norco College as a special student, pursuant to Sections 48800, 48800.5, 48802, 76001, and 76002 of the California Education Code. 

Students enrolled in a Home Study Program must provide proof that the Home Study Program is registered with the State of California.


To qualify for concurrent admissions with Norco College, students must be at least 16 years of age or have completed the 10 grade and in good standing with a high school G.P.A. of at least 2.0.

Students under 16 or who have not completed the 10 grade must receive supplementary approval from the Dean of Educational Partnerships through an additional interview process. The interview and approval process in addition to the required documents must be completed and submitted by the application deadline to be eligible to attend Norco College.

Enrollment Limitations 

  • HSCE students may enroll in a maximum of 8 units in Fall/Spring and 5 units in Winter/Summer.
  • HSCE students are not permitted to enroll in any Kinesiology (KIN) courses.
  • HSCE students approved at Norco College may enroll into general courses offered at Riverside City or Moreno Valley College, in accordance with each college’s high school concurrent enrollment policies and procedures.
  • HSCE students approved at Riverside City or Moreno Valley College may only enroll into Norco College classes in person.

Concurrent Enrollment Alumna

Concurrent enrollment Spotlight Liam Worsham


“My professors were an enormous influence. They helped me build my language, which transferred over to other classes. They also helped me learn communication and organizational skills. The people, the enrollment staff, the faculty, all have a true passion and lvoe for what they do. The staff and faculty are what made Norco College for me”
–Liam Worshom, First Concurrent enrolled graduate of Norco College & Claremont High School Alumnus, Class of 2022