I trust you all enjoyed a rejuvenating summer break and are ready to dive into an exciting new semester ahead. As we gear up for the Fall Semester, I want to extend a warm welcome to both our returning and new colleagues.

I am thrilled to embark on this journey alongside each of you. Together, we will contribute to a semester filled with progress, growth, and positive change. We have several exciting developments to look forward to, including:

  • Student Mosaic Mural: Our ambitious student mosaic mural project is set to take shape, embodying the collaborative spirit and creativity that defines our institution. Stay tuned for ways you can get involved.

  • Facility Improvements: Continuing our commitment to enhancing our campus environment, we are dedicated to carrying forward our ongoing flooring and carpet improvements, as well as revamping our front Admissions and Records area to create a more inviting space for our students.

  • Team Expansion: I am delighted to share that we have successfully filled several open positions and will continue to fill positions as needed. Our new team members will undoubtedly bring fresh perspectives and contribute to our collective success.
The heart and soul of Norco College resides in the vibrant interaction between students, faculty, classified professionals, and our management team. I look forward to the smiles on our students' faces coming back to school as they engage in a wealth of academic pursuits, civic endeavors, and spirited support for our sports teams.

While we navigate the challenges of boosting enrollment, I am confident that our united efforts will lead us to achieve our enrollment targets. Your consistency and professional expertise propelled us this far, and I have no doubt that your continued hard work will guide us to even greater heights.

As we move forward, remember that we are more than a team; we are Mustangs—resilient, determined, and united in purpose. It is an honor to serve as your President, and I am incredibly proud of the strides we will take together.

Here's to an inspiring and successful Fall Semester!

Warm regards,


Monica L. Green, Ed.D.