On March 22 and 23, the Council on Military Transition to Education (CMTE) conference was held in Riverside, CA, and the Department of Defense Military-Civilian Transition Office (MCTO) provided a briefing on the Transition Assistance Program (TAP). The briefing covered TAP's process, curriculum, and track, including a section on managing education.

Attendees from California higher-education institutions, Purdue University, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, and Syracuse University, among others, attended the conference, totaling around 50 participants.

Norco College hosted the event, and the California MAP team at Norco College played a crucial role in the conference's success. Throughout the planning stages to the final execution of the conference, the Norco College team demonstrated a high level of professionalism, organization, and attention to detail.

Attendees positively responded to the insights provided, gaining a deeper understanding of the material and resources offered for transitioning Service members attending the DoD Managing Your (MY) Education two-day track.

As the conference continues to expand, Norco College's role in supporting military personnel's education and transition into civilian life will remain essential.

For those interested, the DoD Military-Civilian Transition Office wrote an article on the conference, which you can read here.