The Offices of Student Life, Basic Needs & Wellness, and Health Services would like to invite you to Become an ALLY. Learn about the issues our students are facing, including inadequate food and/or housing, and leave equipped with data and resources on how to best support them. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Please register with QR Code.

We are excited to welcome Dr. Linda Ramos from the John Burton Higher Advocates for Youth Foundation. Linda is the Higher Education Program Manager at John Burton Advocates for Youth where she works to enhance opportunities for cross-systems collaboration and implement systems change strategies to increase college access, retention, and completion for current and former foster youth and students facing financial insecurity. Most recently, Linda worked at Cerritos College where she coordinated the Leaders Involved in Creating Change (LINC) foster youth support program to enhance program design and implementation. Linda has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and American Studies from Stanford University, a Master’s in Education (w/BCLAD Secondary Credential) from UC Santa Cruz, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from CSU Long Beach.

Along with Dr. Ramos, Norco College Mental Health Services Supervisor, Sheree Summers, and Basic Needs and Wellness Supervisor, Kimberly Thomas.

As a reminder, ALLY trainings are approved for Equity FLEX requirements. If you're looking for a way to meet these FLEX requirements and learn more about the support services available for students, this training is for you!

We still have seats available in our Inaugural Basic Needs & Wellness ALLY Training hosted at Norco College this Friday, March 24 from 9am – 12:00pm (Breakfast served from 8:30am – 9am and lunch will follow). All are welcome, including student employees 😊

Use this link to RSVP and save your seat:

Please pre-register to ensure we have enough food, resources folders, and ALLY placards.