Student Government Election
2024-2025 Elections Information
The ASNC General Elections application to run for student government for Norco College
(the Associated Students of Norco College) is an application to be a candidate for
the term from July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026. The application deadline is April 21, by 11:59 pm. Refer to the ASNC Constitution & Bylaws for position descriptions
& the Elections Code (pg. 16- 21 of the ASNC Bylaws: ASNC Bylaws.
The following positions are up for election:
• President (must have served as an ASNC Officer for one semester)
• Vice President of Administration
• Vice President of Finance
• Vice President of Campus Activities
• Vice President of Campus Relations
• Vice President of Campus Organizations
Qualifications - Candidates must:
1) Pay the current Student Services Fee
2) Be registered in at least three (3) units at Norco College during the current term
3) Have at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average
4) To run for the office of President, candidates must have served at least one full
semester as an ASNC Senator or Vice President, at the time of taking office.
5) Not have served as an ASNC Officer for more than two (2) cumulative, full terms.
6) Not have been on any type of probation at the Riverside Community College District
within one (1) semester.
7) Attend the Mandatory Candidate Meeting, a minimum of two ASNC Senate meetings,
and one meeting with the ASNC Advisor (Edwin Romero) by the time the candidate is
sworn in.
8) Comply with all standards, rules, and regulations, of the ASNC Constitution and
Bylaws, elections rules, College policies and procedures, and RCCD Board of Trustees/District
policies and procedures.
Elections Timeline:
March 20 Candidate Application Available
April 21 Candidate Application Due by 11:59 pm
April 25 Mandatory Candidate Meeting, IT 101, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
April 29 Open Forum, Amphitheater, 1:00pm - 2:30pm
April 25 – May 7 Campaigning
May 6 – 7 Elections – Online
May 8 Campaign Expenditure Reports Due by 4:00 pm
May 9 Election Results Posted by this date
Norco College
- Governance Entities
- Standing Meetings Calendar
- Academic Council
- Academic Planning Chairs
- Academic Senate
- Associated Students of Norco College
- Assessment Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Course Materials Availability Committee
- College Council
- Classified Professional Development Committee
- Distance Education Committee
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility (DEIA) Committee
- EOPS/CARE Advisory Committee
- Faculty Professional Development Committee
- Foster Youth Success Committee
- Grants Advisory Panel
- Institutional Effectiveness & Governance Council (IEGC)
- Library & Learning Resource Center Advisory Committee
- LGBTQ+ Advocates Committee
- Marketing Committee
- Program Review Committee
- Resources Council
- Scholarship Committee
- Student Support Council
- Student Success Committee
- Safety Workgroup
- Transfer Advisory Committee
- Town Hall Meetings
- Teaching & Learning Committee