Photography is a medium of visual expression encompassing various styles, techniques,
and applications. From commercial to artistic, photography offers students a chance
to learn the skills necessary to create compelling visual content that can be used
for a variety of purposes. As an academic field of study, photography is not just
about learning how to take pictures but rather should be seen as an interdisciplinary
field that covers a vast range of topics, including composition, editing, history,
and even ethics.
Norco College
- Career and Academic Pathways
- School of Applied Technologies & Apprenticeships
- School of Business & Management
- School of Communication, Humanities & Languages
- School of Human & Public Services
- School of Math, Engineering, Computer Science & Game Development
- School of Natural Sciences, Health & Kinesiology
- School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
- School of Visual & Performing Arts
- Department Chairs
- Academic Programs: Degrees, Certs, Trailheads, and Pathways
- Counseling
- Counseling Appointment
- Express Counseling
- College Catalog
- Dismissal Workshop
- Articulation
- Student Handbook
- Disability Resource Counseling
- EOPS/CARE/NextUp and CalWORKs Counseling
- General Education for Degrees
- JFK Students – Schedule an Appointment
- Transfer Questions