Temporality Art Exhibit

Temporality Art Exhibit

Temporality: Douglas C. Bloom, Phillip Griswold & Louisa Miller

October 28 – December 6, 2019

Reception: Saturday, November 2, 2019, 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Norco College Art Gallery, ST-111

Temporality is all about time, or more specifically, moments in time. The paintings in this exhibition share a sense of representing these moments, which are often in transition. Blurred oil paint, painterly brush marks, and a tendency toward abstraction suggest we are seeing memories of experiences as they slip from the present into the past. As we view the artworks, however, we experience these moments in the present and the images become alive for us again, and again. The images we see in these paintings are not so much about the places or things they depict, but rather the experiences as conjured by the artist's mind, and the meaning or memories these images evoke.

Douglas C. Bloom, Phillip Griswold and Louisa Miller are all graduates of the M.F.A. program at Claremont Graduate University (CGU). This program has historically been noted for the strength of its painting program, developed under the leadership of Roland Reiss. The three painters in this show share some commonalities in their practices and approach to painting, in part because of the training they received at CGU. Coincidently, all three artists maintain studios in Pasadena, CA, where they have shared experiences of the landscape and cultural environment.

All three artists will be present at the reception on November 2 which is free and open to the public.