On Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 10:21am, all Norco College employees are encouraged to participate in the California ShakeOut, the world’s largest earthquake drill.

Major earthquakes may happen anywhere you live, work, go to school or even travel. The ShakeOut is our chance to practice how to protect ourselves, and for everyone to become prepared.

At 10:21am on October 21, a RAVE notification will be sent through text message and email. When you receive the message, please DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON for one minute. It is also recommended that you review your evacuation route away from the building by locating the evacuation map near each entry and exit door.

Safety is the College’s top priority. Let’s continue to do our part to ensure a safe learning and working environment. Below are a few videos with instructions on what to do in different scenarios during an earthquake:

If You Are Near a Desk


If You Are Not Near a Desk Or Are Outside


If You Are In Bed


If You Are Driving


If You Have a Mobility Disability


Get Prepared for Earthquakes:

  • Inspect your home and workplace for items that might fall and cause injury and secure them.
  • Check your emergency supplies and equipment; make sure they are accessible and functional.
  • Encourage staff and students to prepare at home.
  • Take a CERT training class
For more simple safety tips, visit the Earthquake County Alliance website and download the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety.