My name is Jack Harris and I was elected to serve as your Riverside Community College District Student Trustee for the 2021-2022 year. It is now important for your voice to be heard in taking this Fall 2021 Student Survey which informs your College of the necessary procedures to increase access for your right to an education.

Your College cares to know how school is going this semester and has created a quick survey that you can take here:

The responses you give will enable us to focus resources to where you need them, as well as provide valuable guidance for planning for the upcoming winter and spring terms. Your responses will remain confidential, and since the survey is voluntary, you are under no obligation to answer anything you don’t feel comfortable answering.

As students, we are very busy with our jobs, our partners, friends and obligations. This survey will take you no more than 5 minutes and will enable our College District to better meet your needs and improve the capacity for all of us to contribute to our community.

Please email me personally at or message me on Instagram @student_trusteejackharris for any questions or concerns that you have.