Norco College released 41 new program pages to help students understand and navigate certificate and degree options. Pages include career options, trailheads, major information, and student/faculty profiles. The program pages have also been added to the A-Z index. This week's program spotlight is on the Political Science program.

Political science is the study of systems of government; the analysis of political activity and behavior. Political science focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the local, state, national, and international levels.


Career Options

Career options for students who get a degree in political science include: lawyer, judge, paralegal, planner, lobbyist, political consultant and government official.


   Student of Distinction

Lailah Bezan


Lailah Bezan

Norco College student Lailah Bezan was selected as the 2021 Student of Distinction in the discipline of Political Science.

“I want to become a child advocacy lawyer, and maybe down the line, become a law professor. I just really want to help people,“ Lailah said. “I've always wanted to do that, and I know that the best chance that me being able to help people is to get a good education and give me more power in order to help them effectively.”

To read more of Lailah's story, click here.


To view more of the Political Science program page, click here.