Norco College released 41 new program pages to help students understand and navigate certificate and degree options. Pages include career options, trailheads, major information, and student/faculty profiles. The program pages have also been added to the A-Z index. This week's program spotlight is on the Engineering program.

Engineering is the application of mathematics, as well as scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge to invent, innovate, design, build, maintain, research, and improve structures, machines, tools, systems, components, materials, processes, solutions, and organizations.


Career Options

Career options for students who get a degree in engineering include: computer engineer, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, civil engineer, environmental engineer, geotechnical engineer, architechtural engineer and aerospace engineer.


   Student Voice

Ceasar Navarro


Ceasar Navarro

 Ceasar Navarro, an alumnus of Norco College and the STEM Pathways program, transferred to Cal Poly Pomona and is currently in his 6 year as a Mechanical Engineering student.
“I moved from Chicago, Illinois to Riverside, California to pursue my engineering degree,” said Navarro. “I attended several community colleges, but Norco College was where I received the most support.”

To read more of Ceasar's story, click here.


To view more of the Engineering program page, click here.