Norco College released 41 new program pages to help students understand and navigate certificate and degree options. Pages include career options, trailheads, major information, and student/faculty profiles. The program pages have also been added to the A-Z index. This week's program spotlight is on the Economics program.

Economics is the study of the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. Economics studies how people use resources and studies decision-making. Economics majors are successful in a wide variety of careers. The ultimate goal of economic science is to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday lives.


Career Options

Career options for students who get a degree in economics include: economist, financial risk analyst, data analyst, financial planner, accountant, economic researcher, financial consultant, and investment analyst.


   Student Voice

Austin Barraza


Austin Barraza

Former Norco College Honors student Austin Barraza arrived at Norco College from UC San Diego after experiencing indecision about his major and financial concerns. Working full time and with no support system in place, Austin’s first semester at Norco was a challenge.

In spring 2013 Austin enrolled in his first honors course. He credits the Honors Program at Norco College with helping him find his focus in college. “Honors helped put me back on track,” Barraza said. While participating in the Honors Program, he chose to major in Political Science and also discovered new interests in philosophy, economics, and religious studies.


To view more of the Economics program page, click here.