Norco College released 41 new program pages to help students understand and navigate certificate and degree options. Pages include career options, trailheads, major information, and student/faculty profiles. The program pages have also been added to the A-Z index. This week's program spotlight is on the Chemistry program.

Chemistry is the study of matter and the chemical reactions between substances. Chemistry is also the study of matter's composition, structure, and properties. Matter is essentially anything in the world that takes up space and has mass.


Career Options

Career options for students who get a degree in chemistry include: pharmaceutical chemist, toxicologist, chemical engineer, forensic scientist, epidemiologist, and environmental scientist.


   Student Voice

Gabrielle Ante


Gabrielle Ante

Gabrielle graduated from Norco College in 2020 with seven associate degrees in Pre-Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Social and Behavioral Studies, Humanities, and Communications. She plans to transfer to a four-year university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering.

“I am thankful to our professors for making sure that we were not uprooted, that we were allowed to grow here at Norco College,” Gabrielle said. “They encouraged us to post tough questions and communicate our feelings. They made us better human beings.”


To view more of the Chemistry program page, click here.