Norco College released 41 new program pages to help students understand and navigate certificate and degree options. Pages include career options, trailheads, major information, and student/faculty profiles. The program pages have also been added to the A-Z index. This week's program spotlight is on the Architecture program.

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings, and the design and method of construction.


Career Options

Career options for students who get a degree in architecture include: creative designer, user-experience (UX) designer (which are more in demand since the last decade), landscape architect architectural technologist, interior and spatial designer, building surveyor, urban planner, regional planner, production designer, and structural engineer.


   Student of Distinction

Randy Sherer


Randy Sherer

Norco College student Randy Sherer was selected as the 2021 Student of Distinction in the discipline of Architecture.

“I'd like to thank my professor for just always being there. He's challenged me to do my best work on every project assignment... everything,” Randy said. “He's also been very grateful that I'm showing that I like to do his assignments as well as doing my best work.”

To read more of Randy's story, click here.



To view more of the Architecture program page, click here.