Men and women in the armed services put themselves in harm’s way to secure our core liberties. They have our backs, selflessly protecting us, giving us the freedom to go about our daily lives. When they finish their time in the military, return home as veterans and decide to attend college, we are committed to serving them with the same selfless dedication. If you are a veteran interested in attending Norco College, we promise to have your back and commit to your success.


A Tradition of Service to Vets

Norco College has a history of doing great work with veterans. We have an active Veterans Resource Center serving over 500 students from the  armed services. Through our VRC we provide veterans with support for financial aid, GI Bill, counseling, academic support, camaraderie, and  more. We maintain a close relationship with the Navy base adjacent to the campus and have successfully led in the development of federal  legislation to assist veterans with college finances. For these reasons and more, the Military Times identified Norco College as a top 20 college for supporting veterans, five out of the last six years. One of only two California Community Colleges to make the ranking. 


About Norco College

Norco College serves its students, community, and workforce by providing educational opportunities, celebrating diversity, and promoting collaboration. We provide foundational skills and pathways to transfer, career and technical education, certificates and degrees. The College was established in March of 1991, and became an independent college of the California Community College system in January 2010. We currently serve 16,000 students and counting.