Over 60 participants comprised of students, faculty, and staff, joined Norco College's Forum on the social justice movement and the State Chancellor's call to action.

“We are hurting as a nation right now, and we, the educators and college employees, have an opportunity to be agents of change. These conversations can be difficult, however the times we are in demand action. Our students, our children, our friends and colleagues deserve our engagement and we are better and stronger together," said President Monica Green, Ed.D.

Uncomfortable and vulnerable conversations took place for an hour and a half. People were sharing their experiences and raw emotions with heartfelt stories and a plea for change. As a result, Dr. Green pledged to convene the Norco College Social Justice Movement Taskforce that will be made up of faculty, administrators, students, community partners and classified professionals who will work through an actionable plan to implement and institutionalize. A webpage, www.norcocollege.edu/socialjustice, has been created to house resources and information related to this movement.