Norco College is proud to announce that over 45 students from the Supply Chain Automation program pathway have successfully earned one or more industry-recognized certifications during the Spring 2024 semester. This remarkable achievement highlights the dedication and hard work of our Career and Technical Education (CTE) students, who are now better equipped to excel in the evolving field of supply chain automation.

The Supply Chain Automation pathway at Norco College embeds certifications within four courses and offers students the opportunity to earn certifications in Equipment Repair, Equipment Maintenance, and the prestigious SACA Silver certification from the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA). Students gain practical, industry-relevant skills that meet the demands of modern industries.

Course Achievements:

  1. SCA-1 Introduction to Automated Warehousing:

   - MSSC CT-SCA-EM Equipment Maintenance Certification:15 students earned this certification, demonstrating their proficiency in maintaining automated warehousing equipment. This certification equips students with essential skills required to keep automated systems running smoothly, which is critical for operational efficiency in large-scale warehousing environments.

  1. SCA-10 Industrial Automation I:

   - MSSC CT-SCA-ER Equipment Repair Certification: 13 students earned this certification, showcasing their skills in repairing industrial automation equipment. The ability to troubleshoot and repair complex machinery is invaluable in industries that rely heavily on automation to streamline production processes.

  1. ELE-75* SSD and Lighting Control:

   - SACA C-205 Sensor Logic Systems Certification: 7 students earned this credential, indicating their expertise in sensor logic systems, a critical component of automation technology. Sensor logic systems are fundamental to the operation of automated equipment, enabling precise control and monitoring of various processes. *Certification is also part of the Electrician program pathway.

  1. ELE-74* Industrial Wiring and Controls:

   - SACA C-206 Electrical System Installation Certification: 12 students passed this examination, reflecting their ability to install complex electrical systems used in industrial settings and their proficiency in safely integrating automated systems into operational workflows. *Certification is also part of the Electrician program pathway.

Additionally, five students achieved the highly regarded SACA Silver Certification by passing the C-203 Variable Frequency Drive Systems examination. This certification is particularly noteworthy as it demonstrates proficiency in cutting-edge automation technologies that are increasingly important in today's industries. The SACA Silver Certification signifies advanced knowledge and skills in managing variable frequency drives, which are crucial for controlling motor speed and enhancing energy efficiency in automated systems. These industry-recognized certifications significantly enhance students' career prospects by making them more competitive in the job market.

Norco College continues to expand its offerings to ensure that students are prepared for the demands of the modern workforce. This upcoming Fall semester (August - December 2024), Norco College will be offering the MSSC Certified Technician-Supply Chain Automation & Skills Boss Logistics (CT-SCA)™ certification. This comprehensive program prepares technicians to install, operate, support, upgrade, and maintain automated material handling equipment and systems which are critical to the supply chain.

The CT-SCA certification equips students with the skills necessary to excel in various roles within the supply chain industry, making them highly sought-after candidates for employers. The certifications earned by Norco College students align with the needs of modern industries, which are increasingly adopting automation technologies to enhance efficiency and productivity in various sectors such as manufacturing, advanced logistics, and warehousing.

Norco College partners with local businesses as well to deliver high-quality education and training that meets the needs of local employers and supports regional economic growth. This relationship not only benefits students by providing them with practical training opportunities but also strengthens the college's ties to the local business community. Graduates of the Supply Chain Automation program are well-prepared to take on roles such as automation technicians, maintenance specialists, and equipment repair technicians. Previous students, working for Target and Amazon, have taken the SCA-1 and/or SCA-10 courses to level up their education and increase their skill proficiency.

Norco College supports its students through a variety of services and programs designed to enhance their educational experience. The college offers career counseling, job placement assistance, and internships to help students transition from the classroom to the workforce. Additionally, Norco College fosters a supportive learning environment where students can collaborate with peers and instructors to achieve their academic and career goals. For more information on student employment opportunities within CTE Pathways, click here to email Paula Barrera Partida, CTE Employment Placement Coordinator.

For more details about the Supply Chain Automation program and upcoming certification opportunities, please visit our Career Education website.

Norco College, part of the Riverside Community College District (RCCD), is committed to providing high-quality education, fostering student success, and enhancing community partnerships. With a diverse range of programs and services, Norco College aims to empower students to achieve their academic and career goals.