Riverside Community College District leadership signed on to the Skills for CA letter to the California’s Future Work Commission. The letter supported a commitment to racial equity and a strategy that emphasizes quality jobs and offered five workforce development strategies for consideration as the state charts a reimagined economy.
The commission is working to finalize recommendations. The five strategies supported by the coalition, include: 
  • Expanding high-road industry partnerships
  • Ensuring that local workers have access to quality jobs created by infrastructure investments
  • Expanding pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, and high-quality work-based learning
  • Supporting digital access and learning for all workers
  • Providing public data tools in order to identify equity gaps and solutions for closing them
Skills for CA is statewide network of organizations advancing workforce development policies that remove systemic barriers and promote an inclusive economy for Californians. Skills for CA uses a three-prong approach — equity, pathways to good jobs and systems innovation. Through equity, Skills for California hopes to provide education and skills training and upward mobility for Californians. By creating skill training pathways, Skills for California hopes to develop jobs that pay family supporting wages with room for worker advancement, stability and predictability. Through innovation, Skills for California anticipates the development of collaborative innovations in workforce development that could lead to more business growth and more Californians obtaining the needed skills to maintain and grow the labor market.