The Student Veterans of America of Norco College are sad to share that one of our Mustangs has passed away. David "Tanker" Molina passed due to complications of COVID-19. He served in the U.S. Army as a 19K, which is a M1 Armor Crewman more commonly known as "tankers." He deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Molina began his educational journey here at Norco College in 2019 after receiving an Honorable Discharge. He earned his Associates Degree for Transfer in Administration of Justice this past Spring 2021 and was expecting to attend Cal State Fullerton. He was the President of the Student Veterans of America, worked in the Veterans Resource Center as a student worker, and recently commisioned a plaque for the new VRC. He will be missed by his fellow veteran students and Mustang family. If you would like to make a donation towards his memorial expenses, please contact the Veterans Resource Center.