Study Abroad in Egypt - January 2020

RCCD Egypt Tour - Study Abroad

RCCD Study Abroad Program invites the community to join students and faculty on a comprehensive Tour of Egypt between January 10 and 24, 2020.  During the two-week stay, participants will have an opportunity to view Egypt from many perspectives, gaining insight into the country's geography, ecology, arts and ancient history, as well as its contemporary culture, religious traditions, art and architecture, and economic and political developments.

 The tour is part of an Art History Course (3 credit) offered in winter term 2020, taught by Professor Rhonda Taube at Riverside Community College. The tour will be co-led by Mr. Sef Girgis, of RCCD study abroad office and a native of Egypt.   

 Highlights of the trip include excursions to Memphis, the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx; a tour of the Egyptian Museum; visit to Abu Simbel Temple, a cruise up the Nile “Aswan to Luxor" ; a visit to the tomb of Tutankamun and Nefertari; and snorkeling, swimming and scuba diving in the Red Sea.  We will also visit the ancient Christian monasteries and Islamic Mosques.

In addition to sightseeing, the RCCD tour contingent will have ample opportunity to partake in study sessions, discussions and lectures about ancient and modern Egyptian Art History.

“In this travel experience, you will have a chance to walk through 5,000 years of history—from pharaonic times through Judeo-Christian and Islamic times and right up to the present."

 The tour includes accommodations in five-star hotels and on a five-star cruise ship and guided sightseeing with English-speaking guides in an air-conditioned motor coach.

For more information about the Egyptian tour, please check RCCD study abroad webpage at; email:; Call (951) 222-8385

Deadline for registration in this exciting program is October 1, 2019. 

Study Abroad Poster 2020